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Photoelectric Switch

Photoelectric Switch

AC/DC Autonics Retroreflective Photoelectric Switch Sensor Sensing 5 Meters Relay Output 100% High. Senses Objects in the door plane and triggers the high speed door curtain to rise. Comes complete with reflector for opposite side.

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AC/DC Autonics Retroreflective Photoelectric Switch Sensor Sensing 5 Meters Relay Output 100% High. Senses Objects in the door plane and triggers the high speed door curtain to rise. Comes complete with reflector for opposite side.

High Speed Door are common in warehousing, food manufacturing and clean rooms. High Speed Doors can often be integrated into larger PLC programs to operate automatically in relation to other equipment and processes. We have over 20 plus years experience supplying High Speed Doors and Curtains systems to customers around North America.